+20 2 ‎ 333 4242

3 El Malek El Afdal Street
Zamalik , Cairo

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The Corsair Gaming Series GS600 power supply is the ideal price-performance solution for building or upgrading a Gaming PC. A single +12V rail provides up to 48A of reliable, continuous power for multi-core gaming PCs with multiple graphics cards. The ultra-quiet, dual ball-bearing fan automatically adjusts its speed according to temperature, so it will never intrude on your music and games. Blue LEDs bathe the transparent fan blades in a cool glow. Not feeling blue? You can turn off the lighting with the press of a button.




Trade Names


Formation seal® - Fine , Formation Seal® - Coarse & Formation Seal® - Medium



Used to fluid losses in underground well bores.



Organic Cellulose material produced from natural fibers.

Physical properties & Appearance


Formation seal® - Fine is a fine brown powder that passes through an API 180-mesh screen.

Formation seal®- Medium &Formation seal®- Course are a brown coarsely ground product with flakes & fibers.

Environmental usage


Formation seal® is a natural occurring cellulose material with no chemical additives. The product is biodegradable and has a pH of 5.6 Bio-degradability can be accelerated or retarded by controlling the pH of the mix fluid.



None as the product is pulverized cellulose.

Mixing Instructions


Use mud hopper & minimize dust escaping.



Flush with water.

Hazard Classification


Non- Hazardous class CCCN No.5704 90000

Safety precautions


Wear Safety goggles & breathe shield, as the dust is irritating to the eyes and respiratory system.

Fire risk


Formation seal® - Fine, Formation seal® - Medium & Formation seal® - Course has a comparable fire risk to dry wood pulp or paper.

Keep a-way from open flame& extreme heat.


Recommended Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated area. As the product is placed in a moisture proof bag & pallets wrapped with polyethylene. Covers, it can be stored on top deck.

If the stored product becomes wet, the biodegrading process starts. This internal fermentation of the product produces heat. Without sufficient ventilation, after several days the product could produce enough heat to combust and burn. Many hay (cattle feed) storage barns are lost each year because of storing wet or un-cured hay or personnel using open flames around the stored, natural occurring cellulose materials.



1- What is Formation Seal?

Formation Seal is a natural Fibers blend of cellulostic material that has been formulated & processed to produce a unique material that combats any and all loss circulation problems. The wide range of particle sizes allows coverage form small seepage losses through total loss circulation.

Formation Seal is Environmentally Safe, Biodegradable and acid Soluble, manufactured in Egypt for the purpose of combating loss circulation problems in petroleum production zones and zones of geological interest.

2- Product Description:

Formation Seal Fine & Medium is a fine micro cellulose product specially produced a seepage and loss circulation material.

The key features of the product are the wide size range of fine particles and the shape of the particles. The size ensure the range of fractures or pore throats are sealed , and can be used through any configuration of drilling or coring string.

Formation Seal Coarse is similar in composition to Fine and medium types, but the particles are larger and designed to treat more severe loss circulation.

The material passes through ¼" dry screen and will not block the jets of the bit and mud motors. The sealing action is relatively fast and no more than 15 minutes should be spent in squeezing the pill.


Products Classification


Grind Size




Finer than 8 mesh




Finer than 50 mesh




Finer than 100 mesh

> 90%


< 15%

Median (microns)





In some circumstances a blend of 60% Formation Seal Coarse and 40% Formation Seal- Fine & Medium my prove to be more effective.

The material should be mixed just prior to pumping the pill in order to allow the swelling to take place in the Formation.

Formation Seal should not be mixed with typical LCM's, such as mica as they might impair the product's sealing quality.


3. Functions:

Formation Seal Fine & Medium

prevents damage to the Formation by preventing invasion of the drilling or work over fluids and drilled solids. The sealing action obtained inside the Formation , away from the well bore. Thereby reducing drag & torque of any tools used in the well bore.

Seals off depleted Formations and micro fractures.

Prevents Seepage loss.

Helps logging and casing run smoothly.

Prevents differential sticking.

Reduces wall cake permeability.

Formation Seal Coarse:

Severe loss circulation additive that can be used in water or oil based mud.

Can be pumped through any size bit nozzle without blocking.


4- Advantage:

Formation Seal is water absorbent and is designed to be used in water based or oil based drilling mud systems. Further, it can be used in any type of completion or work over fluid that has some water content. The absorption of the water allows the cellulostic particles to obtain the same weight as the water phase.

As it has fast sealing off action and high acid solubility , is is preferable than all other LCM materials like Mica , walnut and fiber seal.

Offers unique particle sizes which are smaller than conventional loss- circulation material yet larger than the solids found is most mud systems.

Effective Bridging and sealing agent for a wide range of Formation.

Available in fine (original), medium and coarse grades, allowing the most appropriate particle sizes to be used.

Inert material with minimum effect on mud properties.

Does not effect Rheology of the mud system.

Easily passes through most shaker screens.

Compatible with all mud systems and other lost- circulation materials.

Biodegradable, non toxic non hazardous and environmentally friendly.