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Zamalik , Cairo

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Who We Are

Evolution Salt Co. is the go-to company for Himalayan crystal salt worldwide. We are a family owned company that does everything from mining, to manufacturing, importation and distribution. Currently, the majority of all Himalayan crystal salt worldwide originates from our mines and/or factories. In essence, we are the world’s supplier of Himalayan crystal salt.
Since Evolution Salt has the mining rights and the three factories where almost all Himalayan crystal salt is manufactured, we are able to maintain the highest quality and purity throughout the entire supply process. No other company in the world can make such a claim. Many current Himalayan crystal salt companies are unable to even name the source of their raw product. And since Evolution Salt has been producing the most Himalayan crystal salt worldwide for over 40 years, we are able to take our time with the entire supply process to ensure we maintain the rawness and highest quality available.
Within the last decade, Evolution Salt decided to launch our brand in the U.S. market because we noticed a decline in the quality of our Himalayan crystal salt finding it’s way onto store shelves, whether it be via inferior manufacturing or through the blending of salts. The nutritional and health benefits of Himalayan crystal salt were being compromised in the names of profit. One of our primary focuses is keeping environmental and social interests at the heart of our business. In doing so, we can ensure that the consumers are buying the highest quality products.
We strongly believe in:
Fair Trade practices (we treat our employees with dignity and respect) An eco-friendly and socially responsible manufacturing practice Consumer-friendly products Sharing our passion of a holistic lifestyle

Our Products

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Coarse salt

Iodized Coarse salt packaging 50 k.g

soft salt

Iodized soft salt packaging 50 k.g

soft salt

Iodized soft salt packaging 25 k.g

Coarse Refined salt

Iodized Coarse Refined salt packaging 25 k.g

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Eric Hope

Recommended Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated area. As the product is placed in a moisture proof bag & pallets wrapped with polyethylene. Covers, it can be stored on top deck. If the stored product becomes wet, the biodegrading process starts. This internal fermentation of the product produces heat. Without sufficient ventilation, after several days the product could produce enough heat to combust and burn. Many hay (cattle feed) storage barns are lost each year because of storing wet or un-cured hay or personnel using open flames around the stored, natural occurring cellulose materials.


Jane Cover

Recommended Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated area. As the product is placed in a moisture proof bag & pallets wrapped with polyethylene. Covers, it can be stored on top deck. If the stored product becomes wet, the biodegrading process starts. This internal fermentation of the product produces heat. Without sufficient ventilation, after several days the product could produce enough heat to combust and burn. Many hay (cattle feed) storage barns are lost each year because of storing wet or un-cured hay or personnel using open flames around the stored, natural occurring cellulose materials.


Anna Smith

Recommended Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated area. As the product is placed in a moisture proof bag & pallets wrapped with polyethylene. Covers, it can be stored on top deck. If the stored product becomes wet, the biodegrading process starts. This internal fermentation of the product produces heat. Without sufficient ventilation, after several days the product could produce enough heat to combust and burn. Many hay (cattle feed) storage barns are lost each year because of storing wet or un-cured hay or personnel using open flames around the stored, natural occurring cellulose materials.


Sam Tompson

Recommended Storage: Store in a dry, ventilated area. As the product is placed in a moisture proof bag & pallets wrapped with polyethylene. Covers, it can be stored on top deck. If the stored product becomes wet, the biodegrading process starts. This internal fermentation of the product produces heat. Without sufficient ventilation, after several days the product could produce enough heat to combust and burn. Many hay (cattle feed) storage barns are lost each year because of storing wet or un-cured hay or personnel using open flames around the stored, natural occurring cellulose materials.